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Afghan Hound 🐾

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Afghan Hound: Your new pet

The Afghan Hound is a big very particular dog, precedent from Afghan lands (Afghanistan). Its personality is what makes it so singular, always looking – and being – ready to play and socialize, with its particular energy, which makes it a very friendly pet. Due to the way it looks can be considered as a descendant from the Saluki, an Iranian dog.

In ancient times the Afghan Hound used to be used as both a sheepdog and a hunter. It is a very fancy dog with an undeniable style; it also is very fast, as much that was used to compete in dog races sometimes, reaching good results.

This grayhound is pretty tall, and his walk style is remarkable. Also, one of the first things to be highlighted in this dog is its long hair, that in addition to being soft, it covers its body entirely acting like a blanket and keeping it warm.

These dogs usually have a light beige fur, but it can also be a dark color one.

The Afghan hound head is long and thin and has expressions that are characteristic of the breed. Its ears are long and very soft to the touch.

Even when these dogs may look weak, on the contrary, it has a resistant neck and bones, and its legs are also quite firm and tight and have a curly soft tail.

The Afghan Hound is a little independent dog, it likes to do activities on its own, although it’s also very loyal to its owner and knows how to love its family. This dog energy can be too high, so you need to constantly exercise with it as well as learn it to socialize.

The Hound does not trust strangers, although it does not feel aggressive with them, they are almost always kind and calm when a stranger is detected. One of the characteristics that attract the most about this dog is its capacity for nonverbal understanding when people turn to it, it seems that it could understand them.

Due to the big amount of smooth and silky hair of this breed, it may seem interesting for a kid to pull it, which would make the Afghan Hound get nervous and decide not to socialize with children, therefore, it is important to make it clear that the dog isn’t a toy and deserve to be respected just as any living being.

The Afghan Hound enjoys interacting with other dogs, it is one of its favorite activities, however, to enhance this ability you have to relate it to dogs since it’s a puppy, with this, it will be achieved that in adulthood it became in a very sociable dog with other pets.

In the puppy stage three areas must be worked for the right development of the Afghan Hound’s behavior, socialization with people and other pets, the teaching of some order to reinforce positive behaviors and the treatment in a kind and calm way, but always firm.

It is a dog that, besides being very clever, has a very good memory, trusts its instincts and if it insists on something it will know that it must perform such a command.

In ancient times this dog was used for grazing and hunting, so you can know that it will need large amounts of exercise to keep it fit and satisfies the anxiety of running it may have. If a Hound does not satisfy its need for exercise it can become a withdrawn and nervous dog.

If you take it for a walk it will be a very happy dog. The walks can be several short walks or a single long walk. If you also want to exercise there is no problem, it is a perfect dog to be a companion while jogging or cycling. It is also a good companion to go swimming, climbing or running outdoors.

It is a dog that can be perfectly inside the house and it would even be better for it that its hair would not get entangled due to the dirt it is going to collect in the garden. This needs brushing at least three times a week and be washed at least once a month.

You must know that Afghan Hound may be allergic to different medicines and/or chemical compounds such as anesthesia, cortisone, and tranquilizers.

The Hound is a dog that does not suffer from many health problems if it is cared for like any dog. A visit to the veterinarian for its semiannual check-up, vaccinations, deworming, and other necessary care to have a healthy dog ​​at home.

However, this breed, like any large dog breed, can be born with malformations in its elbows or hip dislocations or develop it if you exercise excessively, become chubby or do not have a good place to sleep.

Afghan Hound History and origin

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The Afghan Hound or as it is also known, Afghan Greyhound, is a really beautiful, unique and very friendly breed that saw its roots in Afghanistan, as the name implies. This breed was raised increasingly enhancing the strength of its legs and the slenderness of its walk. It is an extremely agile dog that can go from resting to running at high speed in a matter of seconds.

Another characteristic point of this breed is that it hunts using its sense of sight, not with a smell, as most dogs do. It is not uncommon to see an Afghan Hound with its eyes fixed on a distant landscape, it is seeing that possible prey to run around, although humans cannot see at such distances.

It is a good hunter, although it has lost these habits a little over time, however, much of the breed has this instinct still alive. If an Afghan Greyhound lives in the countryside, it may, if allowed and trained for it, be small feasts with wild rabbits and small rodents.

This breed has a great sense of friendship, being very difficult to replace with another race when you are already fond of them. It is an incredible dog in several areas and we are not just talking about the physical, but also in its way of acting.

The Afghan Greyhounds, as the name implies, come from Afghanistan, a country with a dry and arid climate, so it is a fairly tolerant breed to these weather conditions.

The Afghan Hound has been bought with Saluki, a dog physically similar since the body and head bear great similarity. It has even been believed that the Afghan Greyhound comes directly from Saluki while both races were also compared to another called «Greyhound.» Therefore, the Afghan Greyhound has a rather particular nickname, the Persia’ Greyhound.

In ancient Afghanistan, the hound-type dogs were very well received by the first settlers of this land. Over time these were mixed, creating several races, which were used to hunt wild animals. All the canines that were used for hunting were called Tazis. Among these races that emerged there was one that was quite well-appreciated thanks to its companionship and good hunting skills, our friend, the Afghan Hound.

Because Afghanistan is not a country with too many tourist options, Afghan Hounds are a surprise to tourists visiting these lands. Seeing a dog with such an elegant and fine walking is very rare and fascinating for those who see them for the first time.

The Afghan Greyhound is a really fine dog, which has short hair on its face and back, long silky hair on the top of the head, which seems to emulate a bun and a beautiful facial expression is something worth seeing for any dogs’ lover.

Great Britain’ Afghan Hound

The export of dogs to Britain was a very normal activity for the years 1880 onwards; the Afghan Hound wasn’t an exception, but it was not until Zardin’s appearance that the breed was not sufficiently noticeable.

Zardin was the first dog that impressed the British, arrived in Britain beginning in the 20th century, and was very successful modeling, as a dog that represented its entire breed. The interesting thing is that Zardin was rated as the perfect dog for this breed and all the dogs in it are measured with it to know what quality an Afghan Hound dog is.

After the appearance of Zardin, good news for the race would come thanks to Commander Bell-Murray. The commander had acquired several Afghan greyhounds at a good price as the years went by and had his residence in India, right on the border with Afghanistan.

Among these dogs was a pretty female named Begum, which had a uniform color (beige) throughout its body. Thanks to it, the first Afghan Greyhounds were born in Britain, after which the breed in this country would begin to become popular.

In India, the neighboring country of Afghanistan began to popularize the breed thanks to Mrs. Amps, thanks to her husband, Commander Ams, who bought an Afghan Hound for her as a gift and seeing such a beautiful copy decided to compete with it in a contest Canine in India. After this, the couple decided to acquire other Afghan Lebrels and found their breeding ground.

The Amps couple were British, after fulfilling the objective of their trip to India they returned to Great Britain with their Lebrels in 1920 and this race was not long in succeeding, because it was recognized by the British Kennel Club only six years later.

These Lebrels were put before the word Ghazni to let them know that they came from the mountainous areas of Afghanistan, while those of Bell-Murray corresponded to dogs raised in arid areas between Afghanistan and India.

Bell-Murray’s dogs were longer legs than Amps, narrower heads, and long hair. The Ghazni instead were more compact, had less fur, but this one was denser and the head was larger.

To avoid the disappearance of one type of these dogs, the hatcheries decided to merge both types of Lebrels, resulting in what we know today.

Breed’s characteristic

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When we talk about an Afghan hound everyone pays attention and this is because it is a very striking breed and with a unique character that you can love or you can hate, but the truth is that this dog breed is very striking in all its scopes.

When you can see a dog moving with a unique style, have a beautiful coat and enjoy good height, you will surely be seeing an Afghan hound.

The Afghan hound has a fairly long coat, but what is most striking about this is that it is quite smooth, which gives the impression that it is dressed in very fine clothes, reaffirming the touch of royalty that gives it its fine behavior.

This coat serves both to isolate itself from the sun, and to withstand very cold weather conditions, but the truth is that it has more than anything, for this second condition; In Afghanistan, there are usually really strong colds, so this breed developed a mantle as useful as it is characteristic of it.

The color of an Afghan greyhound’s mantle may vary between sand colors, some of which have darker or lighter colors. But in several copies, different colors are given to these.

Its head is characteristically thin, stylized and elongated, giving it an expression that is typical in these dogs, which can be described as attentive. Its ears are soft and long.

Although it may seem a fragile dog, because of its thin muzzle and long coat, it is a strong dog, at least in its neck, which is quite robust and in its legs, muscular, without being disproportionate with its bearing, resistant and straight. Its tail can be curly or hoop-shaped without any problem; it is not a factor disqualifying from the breed.

It is strong, with an air of nobility, which also has dyes of being a very fast and very strong dog, a really strange combination if it adds to the arrogance resulting from its finesse. It always carries its head up, as if it knew that it a rather refined dog.

Necessary characteristics to be considered part of the breed

Size: It is a big dog

Height: It can reach 74 cm, accepting copies of a minimum of 68 cm. In the female case, the recommended height is between 63 and 69 cm.

Weight: Males can reach a weight between 25 and 30 kg while females reach a little less weight, between 24 and 29 kg.

Origin: Afghanistan

Body shape: Rectangular as it is longer than tall.

Head: The head isn’t large; it has an elongated shape and proportions that look good for the standard of its body. It has a toupee that is not found in many races.

Eyes: The eyes should be brown in dark fur specimens. In the light sand-colored fur examples the eyes will be golden. Although they are not oblique, they are placed in a position that is only slightly oblique.

Ears: The ears are low, are placed backward and fall stuck to the head. The hair that covers them, like that of the mantle, is quite silky and long, protecting the ear from particles outside.

Feet: These are strong, the pads too. The hair that covers them is long and strong. The hind feet are less large than the previous ones.

Coat: It must be thin, cover the entire body and be straight. This coat protects it from the cold, but in the face area and the back is much scarcer and thinner.

Neck: It is quite robust, without losing elegance. The long neck allows it to have an air of nobility and arrogance since it allows it to always have its head up.

Chest: The chest contains arched ribs and is deep.

Back: It is quite strong and straight, it is not too long.

Tail: The tail is not too long or too short. It is well covered with hair, although it is a bit different from the body. It is a low insert and forms a ring at its end.

Color: Here’s the interesting thing since Afghan hounds can be any color, not being disqualifying in the breed. But the most common colors are light or dark sand.

Movements: You can easily recognize an Afghan hound since this dog moves with the grace of this breed, with great elasticity, distinction and above all, elegance.

Life expectancy

The Afghan hound, both female and male, has a life expectancy that is between 12 and 14 years old.

Behavior with other dogs

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The Afghan hound although it is recognized worldwide for its royalty look, also has a behavior that makes it quite recognized worldwide. It is a fairly independent dog. Its behavior reminds that of the basenji because it is independent, but it is a dog that knows very well how to behave in a sweet, tender and affectionate way with its master. It also knows how to be loyal.

Afghan hound puppies are very playful puppies with other pets. They are easily differentiable from other puppies from the first year of life, which is when the fur so characteristic of the breed begins to grow. It will cost them a lot to stay still, but this is good for socialization.

Take advantage of this stage to socialize them as much as you can with other pets, to avoid in the future the dominance that can occur in them, both for other pets and with other people.

However, the socialization in this breed is a process that must be carried out under veterinarian advice as it could begin at an inappropriate stage, developing traumatic memories when interacting too early with other pets, the Afghan hound is a nervous dog, so it is convenient to follow the professional advice.

With early socialization you will ensure that your Afghan hound does not have nervousness or dominance when it is surrounded by other dogs in parks or the same house, on the contrary, it will be happy to share its territory with other dogs and other pets.

Some Afghan hounds are dogs that develop a nervous nature, which makes them unpredictable when another dog approaches them, especially if this other is of the same sex. But under normal circumstances, after good training and socialization, there will be no problems.

Because it is a breed that needs a good amount of exercise, a good idea is to take it for a walk with all your pets. In this way, you will not only be giving it the exercise you need, but you will also be allowing it to open the doors to coexistence in harmony with other species.

This breed can live with other pets without any problem if they have been socialized since childhood. If they have not been socialized since puppy, then we will face nervous behaviors when they encounter another dog unknown to them, which if it is not recommended is to leave only an adult Afghan hound with puppies, its roots place it as a hunting dog, reason why certain puppies behaviors can wake up in it the instinct of hunting, having disastrous results.

They can also develop fear towards these, which could trigger defensive behaviors that you don’t want. As for territoriality, they are dogs that can share their space without problems with other pets at home, but they will feel a little distrustful of strange dogs.

It is a dog that is not afraid to show joy with other pets the clown will always be made to start the game, especially when they are still puppies. What is important to emphasize is that it is not a good dog to share spaces with cats or rabbits, nor with small pets, its hunting instinct can resurface and make these small animals hunt.

If you have already adopted an Afghan hound puppy, we recommend that the sooner you have them share a lot with your other pets to reduce the chances of your other pets being hunted; however, there will always be a danger that these pets will be attacked by your hound.

Diet and feed

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Afghan hounds do not have a complicated diet. It is not a dog breed that can acquire a lot of weight in a short time, so it is not very prone to suffer from obesity, but as can happen with all dogs, if it is fed properly and a little more, In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, without frequent workouts, then it can gain weight and with this, affect your health.

It is a very active dog that needs large exercise dose; this is because their ancestors were great hunters, used to cover a large land amount to collect prey. That is why you cannot have an Afghan hound inside your home all day, as it could despair and develop nervous behavior. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle or who have a hard time playing with it or taking it for a walk several times a day.

Due to the great activity to which the Afghan hound is accustomed, it is necessary for it to has a diet based on a lot of good quality protein, including also excellent origin fats, with this, it will replenish all the spent energies and will always want to do the exercise that it needs to be fit and healthy. It is something that your muscles, bones and overall health will appreciate.

In supermarkets, there are almost endless dog food extensions, but not many works for an Afghan hound since it is a dog with a need for protein and high fat.

But we have seen with good eyes that there are more and more supermarkets, veterinarians and establishments that sell pet products that include special balancing for Afghan hounds in their shelves.

If you can not find a suitable food for your greyhound you can always turn to the internet, where you can find a wide dog food’ foods variety that meets this feature that we have described and also, with very good prices, the only drawback would be the shipment, which can be expensive depending on where you are.

If you cannot find or find it very difficult to acquire food for your Afghan hound then you should go to your veterinarian so you can know how to improve a generic balance (or the one that is closest to the recommended protein and fat amount) to ask to your veterinarian if it’s necessary or recommended to add more protein to your dog’s diet externally, your veterinarian will know how to advise you and how to feed your Afghan hound will be covered satisfactorily.

How often does an Afghan Hound eat?

An Afghan hound puppy should eat about 4 times a day as a general recommendation. A handful at each meal; give it one very early at morning, another at 10: 00 a.m., another at 4:00 p.m. and finally at 9:00 p.m. When it reaches 4 months this will be reduced to three times and then, at 7, the grams of each meal will be increased and it will be fed twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Necessary cares

The Afghan hound is a dog that has been a hunter and shepherd in the past, it liked to go through mountainous areas in search of prey, feel the cold wind caressing its body and to have a better view of the flock.

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Therefore, we need to know that they cannot live without daily exercise. It would be the same as enclosing a person who is accustomed to using the internet in the middle of nowhere in a cabin located in a remote place, it would immediately feel dislodged since it is not its preferred environment.

In the same way, it would happen with the Afghan hound, not having its hectares of land to feel free, it will feel traumatized and develop neurotic behaviors such as nervousness, having nothing to do and feeling completely locked up and bored.

Therefore, as the first advice for the care of the Afghan hound, we advise you to take it for a walk at least twice a day so that it can stretch its legs and recreate it. It is not enough to have a medium or small garden, the Afghan hound needs to go outside to stretch and run.

It likes to joke and make antics with its owner, so an excellent way to exercise is to play with it to «catch me if you can», to look for the ball, catch the freebie or simply release it so it can run around birds

But you should know that if you are a person who likes to make moderate jogs every day to maintain good health and muscle toning that your Afghan hound also loves these types of activities and it will seem like an excellent idea to take it jogging with you, so it can drain all the energy it save and at the same time perform exercise that will help it maintains the strength of its legs and muscles in general.

If, on the other hand, it knows that you are going to run and do not take it, it will feel locked up, just as a person suffering from claustrophobia would feel in an elevator. A dog with these symptoms of stress may become unstable.

If you take it for a walk you should know that it is also a dog that loves to swim on the beach or in rivers, so it will be a great companion for exercises both on land and in shallow waters.

Afghan Hound’ health

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The Afghan hound health is good if general standards are followed regarding the health maintenance of any dog, that is, annual veterinary care, starting by placing all the necessary vaccines during its puppy stage and then the reinforcements and reviews Annual mandatory.

In general, the Afghan hound shows oak health, which will remain intact if it is treated as a puppy with all its vaccines, necessary visits to the veterinarian and dewormed. But it must be forgotten that it is a large breed dog, so it can present these typical problems, such as elbow and hip dysplasia, which is a problem that causes bones to grow in an unsuitable way, which causes the joints to be affected and lame when walking.

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent hip and elbow dysplasia in your whip. Not exercising excessively,

Its ears also deserve prolonged attention, since it has long ears that can accumulate dirt and house insects such as annoying ticks due to the heat emitted by this area and multiple veins in the ears.

Because it is difficult for fresh air to reach the ear, this can also trigger infections. Clean the Afghan hound ears with some frequency to avoid discomfort in them.

You should know that the quality of an Afghan hound copy is largely determined by its coat, this coat should be careful enough to avoid knots and make it look dull. During its puppy stage, the fur care is minimal, but it is when its hair begins to come out in abundance when taking care of it should be taken into account, having an intermediary brushing routine to eliminate the dead fur and always feeling bright, silky and healthy. There are also products that your veterinarian can recommend so that your hair looks very shiny and silky.

Afghan Hound bath time

You can bathe it when you see that it has become very dirty, so the frequency of the bath will be determined by the same hound. If it has become dirty with mud, its fur is very full of sand or it starts to smell bad, you will know that it was time to bathe it.

If it is a competition dog, which should always be clean, the bathing frequency should be once a week maximum, however, if it is a dog that is not intended for the world of canine competitions, conveniently, the frequency bathed once a month or every 3 weeks, depending on how dirty it is.

How to groom an Afghan Hound?

The Afghan hound is naturally beautiful, so it doesn’t need to get ready to brag about its incredible fur. But it is recommended that the spine areas, neck, and tail be brushed well, since these three areas are where more dead hair will be produced, dulling the hair and causing knots to appear. Another good way to fix an Afghan hound is to remove the dead fur with your fingers, so as not to brush the excess skin with a brush.

How often should Afghan hound nails be cut off?

Before recommending a certain period you should know that cutting the Afghan hound nails, like any other dog, is a matter of risk. What is wanted is to cut the hard part of the nail, since dogs also have a soft part inside the nail, which if we cut it would cause great pain and bleeding.

Although dogs are filing their nails naturally when they run, walk, play or simply rub their feet against the ground to file them by nature, it is convenient to cut them since these activities do not shorten them enough.

If the nails are not cut with the good frequency they can grow and bend again to the leg, which would cause pain and discomfort when walking. The spur is also a nail located above the others, it can hurt your dog if it grows a lot too. Knowing this, you should know that it was time to cut your dog’s nails when you hear the typical “click, click, click” your dog makes when walking on a hard surface, the sound that makes its nails very long.

We recommend that the nail cutting be done by a professional, to avoid bleeding and the bad time you may experience after hurting your dog unintentionally.

How to train and educate an Afghan Hound?

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Before talking about the training you can practice with your Afghan hound, it is convenient that we first talk about «training» with your children, in the case that they live with this beautiful dog so that they do not bother it.

The Afghan hound is a dog that tends to be nervous, so it will not support hair pulling, that is mounted on it or that want to take it from the legs to take it somewhere, typical pranks of children who still do not know that a dog It must be treated just like another person since they also feel and want.

Educate your children to treat animals well, this will not only allow the Afghan hound to feel good at home and can play with children, but it will also make them good people who love animals.

To let it know that children will not be a problem in its life, it is first necessary to present them when it is still a puppy, in this way the Afghan hound puppy can know that they are not a danger and will trust them without having to get nervous by seeing them regularly.

This should also be repeated in the case that there are other pets in the home, socialization with other pets should be influenced so that it is not nervous about their presence. If a whippet puppy will be socialized with an adult dog, you must ensure that the adult dog is well trained and equally socialized to prevent its territorial instinct from being activated and can be aggressive with your Afghan puppy, which could imply that it does not trust other pets because they can attack it without warning or reason.

When a dog of this breed is well socialized as a puppy, it will reach adulthood with the knowledge that it can make friends anywhere, leaving behind the fearful or nervous behavior that occurs in specimens that were not socialized.

The Afghan hound is not an aggressive dog, the aggressiveness of dogs that were not socialized can be linked to other breeds, but not to this, rather the aggressiveness by the invasion of the territory was exchanged for nervousness.

This Afghan Hound is not only a dog that can look beautiful, but it is also a pretty smart dog that can learn commands, tricks, and orders quite quickly.

The bad thing about training this breed is that, as you know, it is a dog that you have to know how to treat it, it will not pay attention to you if you are not being affectionate enough with it, but neither will you want to continue your training if you are not being firm. Therefore, it is advisable to inform yourself very well on the Internet about the behavior when training an Afghan hound that must be had to be successful.

Finally, make sure you have enough time to devote to your training day after day, in this way you will know that you are training a future obedient and beautiful Afghan greyhound, which has no fears but many fun moments to offer its family.

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Commands that an Afghan hound should learn

Due to their behavior nature, there are some orders or commands that it should learn since it is a puppy since they will be useful when it becomes an adult dog, which is these:

Sit: Tell your puppy «sit» while doing, with your hands to rest the tail on the floor. If it gives in easily give it a prize. Repeat several times until it associates the word «sit» with that position.

Stop it: Give it the command “sit” and give it a prize, after a few seconds give it another prize if it remains seated. After this move a meter away from it, if it sits down to give it a prize if it does not, sit back down and start again. If it sits down, wait a few seconds, approach it and give it a prize.

Behavior with humans

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The behavior of the Afghan hound is quite characteristic, so characteristic that it is something unique within dog breeds. Its personality is so marked that it will not follow an owner who believes it is inferior (and believe it, has high self-esteem), that is, that is not firm in his decisions or that is too firm that he becomes a tyrant since these breeds’ dogs love to have the freedom to make their own decisions if they do not affect what is sent by an owner who behaves as a leader for them.

If you have not had an Afghan hound and you want to buy one, but you want a lap dog that is always by your side, it will listen to you at all times and have a strong emotional dependence on you, maybe the Afghan hound is not the best option since it will always seek to do what it wants, so we will have to have a hard hand, but it will also want to be corrected with love, never with insults and much less physical abuse that would hurt it.

If you know how to respect and propose to know in depth the character of the Afghan hound you will be able to reach its heart and make it a deeply obedient dog and that it is always willing to pay attention, yes, you will need to respect its decisions when it wants to do something without Your help or vigilance.

The Afghan hound is a dog that although it has little patience, does not have much. So it is not advisable to leave it alone with young children who have not been advised by their parents or have been accustomed to treating an animal well.

You may have patience when playing and interacting with them, but it will not have much patience if it receives hair pulling, being able to attack the child as a result of your nervousness and then run away from the place.

This can be avoided by talking to children living in the home, teaching them that it is a living being and also has feelings and can feel pain as well as socializing the Afghan hound since childhood so that it can interact with children without any problems as an adult. As with any other dog, it is convenient to be close if children are playing with a dog so that they can act quickly in case they are attacked for any reason.

This is their behavior with the family, however, with people who do not know their behavior changes but not for a violent or aggressive one, just be quite suspicious. If you are not pressured until you feel that your life or that of a family member is in danger this will not attack an intruder, so it is not recommended at all as a surveillance dog since other breeds do the job better.

Afghan Hound jobs

This can be avoided by talking to the children who live at home, teaching them that it is a living being and also has feelings and can feel pain, as well as socializing the Afghan hound since childhood so it can interact with children without any problems as an adult. As with any other dog, it is convenient to be close if children are playing with a dog so that they can act quickly in case they are attacked for any reason.

This is their behavior with the family, however, with people who do not know their behavior changes but not for a violent or aggressive one, just be quite suspicious. If you are not pressured until you feel that your life or that of a family member is in danger this will not attack an intruder, so it is not recommended at all as a surveillance dog since other breeds do the job better.

How to calm it down when it’s nervous?

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An Afghan hound may be nervous for different reasons, but you should know how to act and proceed to calm it down so it can feel safe.

Playing with your Afghan Hound an incorrect game for the breed can lead to nervousness: If you play games like looking for the ball or running around, especially in confined spaces, your dog will feel a little nervous, so it should be activities that are practiced outdoor.

Canine education experts can help your Afghan hound to be a calm dog. This can be a method if you want, extreme when it seems that you can’t do anything to calm your canine friend when a certain situation happens.

An Afghan hound needs to exercise to drain its energy and clear its mind. If it doesn’t do either of these two things then it will begin to feel nervous and uneasy, being able to destroy furniture due to anxiety and boredom.

Its environment

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The Afghan hound is a country dog, so this is its favorite environment. Although it would rather be running or walking free through a garden, the Afghan hound can adapt to life inside the home if it is given enough space inside it and allowed to go for a walk for long periods. It is a large breed dog, so it is not convenient to strain it during these walks, but rather to allow them to walk in peace, but in a sustained way so that at the same time they exercise they can also get tired.

Why is it necessary to keep sheep or hunting dogs that live indoors tired?

Both, the shepherd dogs and the dogs that dedicated their lives to chasing trails or recovering prey have a greater need for exercise than other dogs that don’t do this kind of thing. For example, shepherd dogs love being outside, it’s something they have in their genes.

Like a greyhound, the Afghan hound is happy when it’s running through the field or hunting, or even when participating in races with other greyhounds. But it adapts well to city life and can feel reasonably well both in a small apartment and in a large country house.

However, although when it is inside the house it is calm and remains almost all the time lying at the feet of its owner or on its favorite sofa, as soon as it leaves the field it becomes a dynamic and very active dog that unfolds all its skills and all its repertoire of movements and jumps, giving free rein to its great energy. And this breed, strong and athletic, need to exercise daily, so it is not a good dog for sedentary people.

A quiet environment

Afghan hounds, even though they are dogs that can be very energetic when they propose to do sports activities, are also dogs that are very quiet when they are at home, they are not hyperactive nor will they need to run indoors and rarely in the garden (only if they need physical activity urgently).

Conveniently, the environment where they are is quiet so that they can feel comfortable. Afghan hounds do not tolerate loud noises or see too much movement of people in their territory, fast movements from other pets or people or changes in their meal or sleep schedules.

Due to its predisposition to nervousness and stress, Afghan hound can develop stomach diseases, that is, digestive disorders. If there are also personal problems among family members that trigger frequent discussions, the Afghan greyhound will have no peace of mind and may develop neurotic behaviors.

This dog is a very peaceful specimen, not at all aggressive that all it wants is to live in peace, have a good dose of daily exercise where it can share with its master at the same time and have a good place where it can be without being annoyed.

A good idea to make the Afghan hound have the peace of mind it needs is to have a large patio where you can build a doghouse, where it can garrison and have a personal place to stay when it notices a lot of movement or things that do not like it because it is not a territorial dog it will not let others know that it does not like their presence, it will only get nervous and in the case of visits, the best thing it can do is to get away to it place to avoid them.

If you plan to have an Afghan hound inside the house even if it is not the best idea you should know that it must have its place to rest, this can be a room or a space with a good size not frequented by the members of the household, this will serve to that the Afghan hound can stay at ease since it knows that if there is a lot of noise, there are unknown people at home or there is a lot of movement it can enter its room where it can rest without being disturbed. It is an extremely peaceful dog that wants to stay as well as in its space.

If it will remain in the garden you should know that its fur will allow the cold in the morning not to affect it, since it is very thick and specialized in fighting the cold, so it is not necessary to put clothes or anything like that in winter, you just have to have a good doghouse.

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