🐾Napoleon Cat: Your new pet
The Napoleon cat or Minuet is a pussycat belonging to a new felines breed; born in the 90s, as a result of the man’s manipulation due to it is the result of a planned crossing between the munchkin breed cat and the Persian cat. It is a breed that is just being born, so it may be unknown to many, however, its popularity is increasing thanks to its personality and character so affectionate and welcoming, and it’s tender and has an adorable stuffed kitten appearance, it is a small cat breed.
The Napoleon breed cats were born in America when their creator was encouraged to cross a munchkin with a Persian. In this litter he obtained some kittens that had a unique appearance, their size was small due to the short length of their paws, a feature that was inherited from their munchkin father, while its face and the long, straight coat was similar to Persian. Another parent it was found that these kittens suffered the same dominant mutation that made the munchkin cat dwarf, responsible for achondroplasia. Interest in this new breed began to grow and a breeding program was soon established to establish Napoleon cats as a new breed, even pending recognition by some international feline organizations.
The Napoleon cats’ appearance is truly tender and adorable, they look like stuffed animals. Its face is round, with prominent cheekbones that make it seem a little thick; its ears are triangular and small and its large round eyes are very expressive. The body and tail are medium-sized, thick and rounded. The representative is their legs, unusually shortened due to the genetic disease they suffer, which gives them a tender small kittens appearance.
On another hand, the Napoleon cat personality is unique and sensational, much more affectionate and active than its parents. They are docile and patient cats, ideal for playing with children and accompanying grandparents, they are usually very affectionate and demanding attention, they don’t like being alone, on the contrary, the Napoleons enjoy all the time they can spend close to their adoptive family, exchanging caresses and pampering. Also, these cats adapt without problems to any home, they are affectionate, sociable, and active felines, they love to play, jump, and run and have a strong hunting instinct, although they also live comfortably in small environments.
To take care of them, only love, affection and basic attention to their needs are required. The food must be the best quality as possible, rich in protein and proportionate to its degree of energy requirement and its development stage; don’t forget to take it to the veterinarian for its occasional check-ups and to keep its immunization and deworming calendar up to date.
The Napoleon cat is a beautiful feline specimen, a simple and easy-to-care, strong and healthy pet that will be a perfect company, ideal member for any home.
🐾Napoleon Cat history and origin
This cat breed emerged recently, and in fact, it does not reach even 20 years since it was created. The Napoleon breed cats were born by crosses between two feline breeds already defined supervised by breeders, that is, it is a breed in which the man hand intervened, having been created artificially.
This new and young felines’ breed has as parents or ancestors the munchkin cat and the Persian cat. As it is known, the munchkin breed cats existing since the last century, exhibit a very particular phenotype because they suffer from a disease that is the achondroplasic type dwarfism, which makes their legs shorter than normal, but its torso is similar in size to other cats, giving it the small cat appearance. This feature in the cat’s paws is transmitted by a dominant gene that is responsible for making the paws bones short and small. Therefore, from the resulting litter from the crossing between the munchkin and the Persians came the curious and striking the Napoleon breed kitten, a feline that inherits the short legs of its parent the munchkin and the facial features of the Persian.
The Napoleon breed’ cats have also received the name of Minuet cats, because of their small size. The birth of these cats takes place in the 1990s, in America, at this time its breeder undertook an experiment with a cross between a cat of the munchkin breed and a cat of the Persian, thus obtaining a litter of Short-legged kittens, which had a coat with long white fur and facial features similar to Persian peekface. These resulting new kittens had enough characteristics to form a new breed, which was given the name «Napoleon» because of the famous French national military, Napoleon, who is said to be short.
In this way, the intention arose to create and develop a breeding program for a new breed of “small cats”, in which the adorable kittens of the munchkin breed would be incorporated, and thus capture the causative mutation of the short legs of the Napoleon cat breed, the achondroplasia gene. Initially, there was some fear about the idea that the mutation responsible for this characteristic in size could also cause serious congenital alterations and bone malformations, but over the years and studies, it was possible to determine that this mutation does not represent any problem, since Napoleon cats, like its relatives, the cats of the Munchkin breed, are perfectly capable of running, jumping and playing without any problems or limitations.
From their father, the Persian cat, they have inherited the curious shape of their face, rounded and sometimes has the flat features of the peekface variety. Also characteristic of the Persian cat is the features seen in the Napoleon cat in terms of its eyes and long, dense fur.
The Napoleon cat breed is the phenotypic expression of the most curious and striking characteristics of the two beautiful Persian and munchkin feline breeds, they are beautiful, tender and unique kittens, with an exclusive genetic and character combination that makes them very easy to recognize and distinguish from other domestic cat breeds.
The Napoleon cat is perhaps the youngest breed of felines that have emerged, just in 2001 it achieved its formal and official registration in the TICA, and this institution as in many organizations, such as FIFe, it is still on the stage of acceptance the breed of Napoleon cats.
🐾Breed’s characteristic
The Napoleon cat belongs to long-haired cats, although there are varieties that have a short fur coat; This cat being the result of a cross between the two races, Persian and Munchkin, has physical characteristics of both.
Concerning their body, The Napoleon breed’ cats are felines that have a medium-sized body, which looks thick, compact and is strong and muscular. Perhaps it may surprise a bit the description of the body of the Napoleon cat since seeing a pussycat of this breed we typically observe that it is a small cat. What happens is that the variation in its size is not given by the alteration in its body but by the length and shape of its legs.
It happens that the Napoleon cat suffers from a type of dwarfism known as achondroplasia, which is caused by a genetic mutation located in the autosomal genes of the feline, which is transmitted with a dominant character. Achondroplasia is a disease of the type of growth disorder that affects both people and animals, causing the legs to be short, that is, the long bones of the limbs are short, thus giving the appearance that it is a cat » small».
The Napoleon cat legs despite being short are very strong and agile, they have the particularity that the front legs are shorter than the hind legs, they are muscular and thick legs, which end in rounded claws of medium size. As for the tail, this is medium size, it is seen raised when Napoleon is executing movements.
In general, the body of the Napoleon cat is compact and can weigh around 4 to 5 kg if it is male and 2 to 3 kg if they are female.
The Napoleon cat has a head that is inherited from its parent the Persian cat. It has a medium size, is rounded and short, its snout is small, short and has a strong chin, its profile is flattened. There are a couple of funny little ears that are small, with a wide base and end in a rounded tip. In contrast, Napoleon has a pair of large, circular eyes whose color depends on the tone of the coat, and they are usually very expressive. Its cheekbones and cheeks protrude as if it were a «chubby.» Its nose is short and flat, of a salmon color. Its neck is short but strong.
The Napoleon cat is a small kitten, with an appearance reminiscent of a stuffed animal; it is simply adorable and also very tender, especially for its beautiful fur. The Napoleon cat has a coat of dense fur that is very abundant, this hair can be short or long, which is very soft and silky to the touch. In it any color or shade of fur is accepted, the most common is to observe single-color specimens of a cold and clear tone such as white, gray, etc.
🐾Napoleon cat’ character and personality
The Napoleon cat, similar to its sweet appearance, shows a character that is extremely balanced, tame and friendly. In the Napoleon cat, you can find a very gentle feline pet, which is extremely affectionate and kind to its caretakers, who also keep strict fidelity.
As its appearance suggests, the Napoleon cat is tender and affectionate, it is a very sweet breed, ideal to live with any type of person and any age. For children it is perfect since they are very patient with the games and with the pranks of the little ones in the house; Napoleon cats love living in a family, they adapt to the personality of all household members, whether they are very young, adults or the elderly, they are a great pet option.
The Napoleon is a cat without too many complexes in the face of changes, they comfortably receive changes and new homes, as well as being excellent with other pets, whether they are other cats or dogs. Napoleon kittens are very affectionate but at the same time they are demanding attention and affection, so if they feel alone they can be anxious and sad, they prefer and enjoy the company most of the time, they look for their masters to earn pampering and caresses. On the other hand, the Napoleons are playful, funny cats, a quality that the Persian cat has inherited from their relative, although they are much more active in this aspect, they like to run, jump, play from side to side, run after balls of wool, toy mice, etc., the personality and character of this new breed is unique and adorable.
Concerning the environment in which they can live, The Napoleon breed’ cats live well in any type of home, whether it is a house or an apartment. The large spaces are ideal for jumping, jumping, and releasing all that energy that characterizes the playful and fun personality of the Napoleon cat, although if they have a small space like an apartment for home, they also find a way to have fun and enjoy their moments. The most important thing in the process of adapting Napoleon cats to their homes is the attitude and support they receive from their adoptive family. Feeling companion and with the necessary affection will greatly help them to feel comfortable, happy and secure whatever their new home.
As for their companions, it is preferable to avoid other aggressive animals, especially if they are dogs, the Napoleons have a disadvantage in flight and in the defense given by their short legs so they could not defend themselves or flee from danger.
The Napoleon cat breed includes sweet, tolerant, patient and playful kittens, they are an ideal pet to keep company with anyone in the home, and they love being sociable with other people, in this way they feel loved and safe. The Napoleons have a more cheerful and fun personality than their parents, they are a new, unique and sensational breed of cats that any family will enjoy very much.
🐾Napoleon Cat’ diet and feeding
For the feeding of Napoleon cats, it is important to highlight that these cats require a diet that provides the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the feline’s organism to develop without any problem. The food consumed by the Napoleon cat must be of the best and highest quality, from which the kitten can obtain the appropriate energy compounds to form a strong musculoskeletal system, and so that they can exhibit a long or short, soft, silky coat and beautiful.
The good feeding of the Napoleon cat is based on guaranteeing and ensuring the best quality food. You can bet on menus that incorporate dry, wet food, natural food, exclusively or a mixture of these. For healthy cat growth, it is necessary to provide a balanced diet that is adjusted to the cat’s metabolic and energy needs.
Cats are carnivorous animals, that is, they need the proteins and other nutrients offered by meat, such as fats, for their metabolism to function properly. The meat products can be prepared naturally, in a mixture with vegetables and that is well cooked, the most important thing is to remember that they should never be given raw since this can trigger stomach disorders in the feline. Fish is also an excellent option to provide foods rich in protein and fatty acids good for felines, which will help them strengthen their bones and make their health more resistant.
About the forms of feeding for the Napoleon cat and the options available, there are several alternatives. The most reliable and simple option to provide the Napoleon cat with an adequate supply of essential nutrients is the food based on commercial artificial preparations, which are foods with a special formula to provide all the energy needs of felines. Dry feed is a great option within this group, preferably it must be ensured that the product is of the best quality and that it is free of cereals and additives that far from being beneficial to the cat’s health, provide too many carbohydrates.
Complementing the Napoleon cat diet with homemade food is also beneficial to give an extra supply of nutrients to the needs of the cat; you can offer sardines in sausages or natural, as long as they are well cooked. Add to the preparations of meat products some cooked vegetables, turnips, potatoes, carrots, and a little garlic further enriches the feeding of the Napoleon cat.
Another aspect to consider is that cats, and especially those of the Napoleon breed, are somewhat demanding animals when it comes to eating, repetitive food can make them boring food and even reject it, to avoid this, it is important to offer foods that have a pleasant smell, that they are at a good temperature, and vary the type of food products offered to the cat.
Finally, it is natural to understand that cats look for some extra snacks, in this sense, they can be seen hunting prey like rodents, which corresponds more than hunger, to an instinct of the feline that is a hunter, is something instinctive, So in addition to an excellent pet to play and share you will have the advantage of a rodent-free house.
🐾Napoleon cat health
The Napoleon cat breed is a strong and healthy pussycat, generally, this breed is quite resistant and has few health problems. The Napoleons are strong and healthy cats, with an average life expectancy that is between 12 and 15 years.
About their health, it is important to note that although Napoleon breed cats do not have problems with their health in most cases, their appearance of «small» is itself given by a genetic disease. We know that the trunk of Napoleon cats is the average size of any other breed, the difference in their height is made by their very short legs.
The length of their shortened legs is because their long bones have not grown as they should, which in turn is caused by a genetic disease called achondroplasia.
Achondroplasia is a type of dwarfism, a genetic disease transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene, that is, it has nothing to do with sexual characteristics. The mutation that causes achondroplasia is dominant, that is, with only one of the alleles this mutated is enough for the disease to express itself since its penetration in the offspring is complete. This mutation in the Napoleon cat breed has been inherited from its parent the munchkin cat.
Cats suffering from achondroplasia have an abnormally shortened length in the long bones of their paws, which makes them dwarf or small, while the trunk, the head, grows normally. The typical aspect of “sausage” is observed in them, that is, the long body and the short legs.
This type of dwarfism is transmitted with autosomal dominant character, and it has been determined that homozygous types for the gene suffer even greater skeletal alterations that end in abortion and death.
Achondroplasia is a disease that can also be associated with other muscular and skeletal problems such as defects in the closure of the neural tube, and vertebral defects and deviations of the spine, however, fortunately in Napoleon breed cats it is rare to see alterations so serious that they compromise life.
Otherwise, the Napoleon cat is healthy, strong and cheerful. To its mental health, if it spends a lot of time alone at home or if it is not spoiled enough and taken care of by its family, it may experience episodes of feline stress and anxiety. This is easily treatable with masters, care, attention, and company.
The type of food can become the origin of metabolic and weight-related diseases such as obesity. Although the napoleon is a fairly active cat, the length of its paws makes it difficult for active mobilization, exercise is difficult and exhausting, and food is a tempting pleasure, so it is necessary to avoid overfeeding so that it does not suffer from obesity or overweight
🐾 General care
This beautiful Napoleon kitten or cat Minuet as this breed has also been called, is a sensational animal to be the pet of any home, does not need specific or special care, is strong, healthy, with a cheerful and playful personality, enjoy of family life and adapts to any type of home, so taking care of the Napoleon cat will be a very simple and easy task to execute.
In general care for this breed of cat, attention should be paid to the basics, health, entertainment, food, and hygiene.
With health, the Napoleon cat is a strong and healthy cat, except for its basic genetic condition that gives it its characteristic small phenotype, this breed does not usually present serious health problems, it may be that with climatic changes it presents some colds but They are occasional. A regular visit to the veterinarian is recommended, about twice a year on average, especially during the growth stage when they are puppies to detect in time any genetic abnormality associated with achondroplasia and to monitor their health and strong growth. Similarly, visiting the veterinarian will keep the feline vaccination schedule and deworming up to date.
Emotional health is an important aspect of Napoleon’s cat welfare. This breed has kittens that are characterized by being very affectionate, affectionate, attached to their family, do not tolerate being alone, so it is important to give daily sessions of caresses, pampering, and games, to strengthen their family bond and prevent the Cat develops stress or anxiety, which can be harmful to their behavior and family life.
About entertainment, they have a hard time doing complex physical exercise tasks, due to their characteristic short legs, however, the Napoleon is a playful, active and very funny cat, overflows with energy, loves to play, jump, chase objects and Toys, running outdoors. If your house has a garden, take it from time to time to have fun, if instead, you live in an apartment, about two or three walks a week through the park will help it release its energy and games. Gyms for cats are also another option, you can buy them at any pet store, you just have to install it next to a window so they can enjoy the view, and they are great alternatives for small homes.
Feeding is key to its healthy and strong development; it provides the Napoleon cat with foods that are rich in protein, vitamins and essential nutrients. Its menu can be based on two or three main meals a day, in which you can combine dry food, wet feed and natural food to make the diet varied and more attractive. Consulting with the veterinarian the portions is good advice to not overfeed the Napoleon cat.
Finally, the hygiene aspect is necessary to take care of the health and attractive and adorable Napoleon cats’ appearance. Its coat can be short or long, so brushing often will prevent hair from getting tangled and stay soft and silky, usually recommended about three times a week, this also removes hair dead. The hair is changed twice a year. As for the bathroom, once every four months is usually enough to enjoy an attractive pet with good hygiene.
It is very simple to take care of the Napoleon kitten, an adorable and tender feline pet, ideal for any home.